What's wrong with Google account not yet associated with device (share simple solutions)

In modern life, smart phones, tablets and other devices have become indispensable tools in our work and life. Among these devices, Google account also plays a very important role. It allows us to synchronize data between different devices, making our life more convenient. However, when we use the Google account to log in to the device, sometimes the prompt "Google account has not been associated with the device" appears. This is because the device is not properly connected to the Google account, or the Google account is not set correctly. Next, we will discuss the cause of this problem and some simple solutions.


What's wrong with Google account not yet associated with device

The prompt "Google account has not been associated with the device" may appear for a variety of reasons. Here are some possible reasons:

1. The Google account is not set correctly: When logging in to the Google account on the device, we need to ensure that the account has been set correctly. If the account information is incomplete or expired, the device will not be able to connect to the Google account correctly.

2. The device is not connected to the Google account correctly: if the Google account connected to the device is inconsistent with the account we logged in to the device, the prompt "Google account has not been associated with the device" will appear.

3. The device does not pass Google authentication: If the device does not pass Google authentication, or Google authentication has expired, the device will not be able to connect to the Google account correctly.

Exclusive Google account purchase


Friends who don't have Google accounts, and then feel that it is troublesome to register themselves, you can directly buy ready-made Google accounts from here, which are clean, very safe, and pure accounts, very good!


Now let's look at some simple solutions.

1. Confirm account settings: We need to ensure that the Google account logged in on the device is consistent with the account we use on other devices, and the account information has been correctly set. We can try to log in the account on other devices to ensure that the account information is correct.

2. Clear the device cache: sometimes the device cache will cause the Google account to fail to connect correctly. We can try to clear the cache of the device, and then log in to the Google account again.

3. Update Google service: If the version of Google service on the device is too low, it will not be able to connect to the Google account correctly. We can try to update Google services, and then login to Google account again.

4. Check the network connection: Google account needs to be connected to the device through the network. We need to ensure that the device is properly connected to the network and that the network connection is stable.

Before solving the problem, we need to understand the specific reason of the problem, and then choose the corresponding solution. If we cannot determine the cause of the problem, it will be difficult to choose the correct solution, or even make the problem more serious.

In this article, we discussed the reason for the prompt "Google account has not been associated with the device" and some simple solutions. If we encounter this problem, we can first check whether the account settings are correct, then clear the device cache, update Google services, or check the network connection. These methods can usually solve the problem, so that we can correctly connect to the Google account and use the device.

In general, when we have problems logging in to the device with Google account, we don't need to worry too much, because these problems are usually solvable. We can easily solve these problems and make our life more convenient by following the correct steps.

  • This article is written by Published on August 7, 2023 15:38:21
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/17202.html
