Complete password of foreign Apple ID account (no valid Apple ID account locked)

Apple is one of the world's famous technology companies, and its products are widely popular around the world. However, because Apple's app stores in different countries and regions provide different applications and games, users may find that they cannot download some of the applications or games they want. At this time, users may need a local Apple ID account. This article will provide some unlocked valid Apple ID accounts for users to use. The following are some unlocked valid Apple ID accounts.


Foreign Apple ID account password

Apple ID account 1

account number:

Password: password123

Apple ID account 2

account number:

Password: test456

Apple ID account 3

account number:

Password: qwerty789

Although these accounts are free to use, please do not change your password or other account information. At the same time, don't buy any applications or games, because these accounts are not your own accounts, but shared by others. If you need to buy an app or game, the best way is to use your own Apple ID account.

Exclusive account


Although a shared account can help you download applications or games abroad, using a shared account is not a long-term solution. If you have a friend who has used Apple account for a long time, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which is more convenient for one person to use!

Other functions of Apple devices

In addition to downloading applications, purchasing media content and using various online services, Apple devices have many convenient functions in actual use. For example, using the Split View function on the iPad can run two applications at the same time, greatly improving work efficiency. On the iPhone, the AirDrop function allows users to transfer photos and files without using cables. In addition, Apple devices can also use Siri voice assistant to help users complete various tasks.

How to protect your Apple ID account

1. Use strong password: Select a complex password consisting of letters, numbers and symbols to ensure that your account is best protected.

2. Enable two-step verification: If you enable two-step verification, your Apple device will ask you to enter a 6-digit code to confirm your identity. This will increase the security of your account and prevent others from accessing your account without permission.

3. Change your password regularly: Changing your password regularly can help you keep your account secure.

4. Don't share your account and password: Never share your Apple ID account and password, even to close friends or family.

5. Use Touch ID or Face ID: Touch ID or Face ID is a secure authentication method that can help you securely access your account and data on the device.

In short, whether you use a shared Apple ID account or purchase an exclusive account, you need to pay attention to security and legitimacy. If you choose to use someone else's account, do not change your password or other account information, nor buy any applications or games.

  • This article is written by Published on August 3, 2023 13:04:24
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