Why can't Google Mail register? Common problems and solutions for registering Google Mail

Google Email is a popular free email service, which provides a large number of functions and advantages, such as mass storage, intelligent spam filtering, powerful search functions, and so on. Because of this, more and more people choose to use Google Mail. However, sometimes users may encounter problems that cannot be registered. The following are the common problems and solutions of Google Mail.


Why can't Google Mail register?

1. Email has been registered

Google Mail is a free service, so it is likely that someone else has already registered the email address you want to register. If the email address you entered has been registered, the system will reject your registration request. Therefore, please try to register with a different email address. In addition, you can also try to add some symbols such as numbers, underscores or dots to the email address to create a new, unregistered email address.

2. Information filling error

When registering Google Email, you need to fill in some personal information, such as name, date of birth, mobile phone number, etc. If the information you fill in is incorrect or incomplete, the system will also refuse your registration request. Please check and revise the information carefully. In addition, users in some regions need to provide scanned copies of ID cards or passports to verify their identity. If you do not provide these files or provide wrong files, registration will fail.

3. IP address is blocked

If you try to register Google Email for many times but fail, your IP address may be blocked by Google. This is usually because your computer or network is considered a spammer, or you use some network tools that are considered dangerous. In this case, you need to use another network or computer to register. If you need to register multiple accounts on the same computer, you can try using different browsers or clearing browser cache and cookies.

Exclusive Google


Friends who have long used Google accounts suggest that they can directly purchase a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, sell and immediately delete backup information, never sell again, which is absolutely safe. Because YouTube was acquired by Google, so as long as they have a Google account, they can also use YouTube.

Common problems and solutions for registering Google Mail

Problem 1: Google Email registration page cannot be opened

If you can't open the Google Mail registration page, first make sure your network connection is normal. If the network connection is normal, it may be a problem with the browser. Please try to clear the browser cache and cookies, or try to use another browser to visit the Google Mail registration page.

In addition, it is also common that users may be redirected to non registration pages. If you encounter this situation, please check whether your URL is correct and make sure you are visiting the official website of Google Mail.

Problem 2: Unable to verify the mobile phone number

When you register Google Email, you need to provide a mobile phone number to receive the verification code. If the mobile phone number cannot be verified, it may be due to the following reasons:

1. The entered mobile phone number is incorrect.

2. The mobile phone number has been registered.

3. The instability of the operator's network leads to the inability to receive SMS messages.

The solution is to check whether the mobile phone number is correct, or try to register with another mobile phone number. If you are sure that the phone number is entered correctly but still cannot be verified, you can wait for a while and try again.

In addition, Google Mail also provides "phone verification" and "backup e-mail verification". If you can't pass mobile phone verification, you can try other verification methods.

Problem 3: Unable to receive verification code

During the registration process, if you cannot receive the verification code, it may be because of the following reasons:

1. Mobile number input error.

2. SMS is blocked by the operator.

3. SMS is mistaken for junk SMS and filtered out.

The solution is to check whether the mobile phone number is correct, or try to contact the operator to solve the problem of SMS reception. You can also try changing the operator or using other authentication methods.

Problem 4: Google Email registration is rejected

If your Google email registration is rejected, it may be because your account is abnormal or violates Google's policies. If you think there is no problem with your account, you can try to contact Google customer service to solve the problem.

Google Mail is a very good email service, but sometimes there are registration problems. This article introduces some common problems in registering Google Mail, and provides corresponding solutions. If you encounter the problem of Google Email registration, you can try to solve it according to the above methods. I hope these methods can help you successfully register for Google Mail and enjoy convenient email services.

  • This article is written by Published on August 2, 2023 13:37:59
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/17062.html
