2019 Xu Shuze Private Class of Investment Master (completed)

90 Days Harvest Your Lifelong Wealth The anchor introduces Xu Shuze, a well-known Chinese financial commentator, a senior financial media person, and the producer of the hundred million broadcast financial column "Tree My Straight Talk". He is particularly good at peeling off complex economic phenomena, reducing complexity to simplicity, and hitting the essence. He has written a general economic book, The Economic Truth That Can't Be Unknown, which has been reprinted more than 10 times and translated into many languages for overseas distribution. Zhu Ang, a senior investment expert. He once worked for 10 years in a well-known securities firm on Wall Street, read and studied many masters' monographs and papers in depth during his work, and had unique insights into financial investment strategies and methods. Course outline 1. Legendary partner: Warren Buffett and Munger 2. "Big short" Soros 3. "Casino ATM" Edward Thorpe 4. Simmons called by the FBI 5. "Xu Xiang" Steve Cohen 6. Bridgewater Dalio's "Alternative Investment Principle". You will get 1. An easy and pleasant listening experience like American TV; 2. The first principle of direct investment; 3. Investment toolbox endorsed by 6 top masters; 4. Say goodbye to fragmented investment methodology.



2019 许树泽投资大师私房课(已完结)

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R2SJ0Q6jR-lLaEfvT_UJvA Extraction code: st1k


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