The latest free Apple US ID (high-quality Apple ID account in the US)

With the popularity of mobile devices, Apple's products are more and more popular. However, there are many desirable applications and games in the App Store of Apple devices, but these applications and games can only be downloaded from the App Store in the United States. For users who are not in the United States, they may not be able to access the App Store in the United States, so they cannot download these applications and games. To solve this problem, the following is a free American Apple ID account.


Free Apple's latest American ID

first group

ID account:

Password: Dd112211

Group II

ID account:

Password: Bh221122

Group 3

ID account:

Password: Ah221122

Exclusive account


The number of users of the shared ID account is quite large, and it is easy to encounter abnormal situations. Friends who need to use Apple ID for a long time can click the icon link to buy. The ID of this website is registered through the formal channel, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, the backup will be deleted immediately, and it will not be sold again.

Tips for Sharing Apple ID

be careful! be careful! be careful! You must not log in to a shared account in iCloud, or your phone will become a decoration.

Do not change the information in the account, or the account may be locked.

You cannot use a shared account to order paid items. If you need to recharge, please purchase an exclusive account, and bear the consequences of any loss.

After downloading the software game you want with the shared account, you should exit the account in time, and do not occupy public resources.

Login Tutorial for Sharing Apple ID Account

1. First, open the App Store on the phone and click the avatar in the upper right corner;

2. Then scroll down to the bottom, find and click the [Logout] button to log off our current domestic Apple ID account;

3. Enter the password of the American Apple Store ID account and click the [Login] button;

4. Finally, skip the two factor authentication and click [Other Options] and [No Upgrade];

5. Wait for the page to refresh. When the page language changes to English, it means that we have successfully logged in;

6. Enter the name of the software you want to download in the search box, and it is OK!


Why do you want to obtain American Apple ID?

1. To access applications and digital media in the US App Store, which may not be accessible in other countries' App Stores. For example, you can download the latest games, applications and digital media resources through the US App Store, which may not be available in other countries.

2. To download and use applications unique to the United States, such as Hulu, ESPN, HBO, etc. These applications are unique to the United States. If you do not have Apple US ID, you cannot download and use these applications in the App Store in other countries.

3. To use digital media services in the United States, such as iTunes, Apple Music, and so on. These digital media services are very popular in the United States. If you want to use these services, you need to have Apple US ID.

The free Apple ID account in the United States is a very convenient solution for users who cannot access the App Store in the United States to download those desirable applications and games. The advantages of using these accounts include access to the App Store in the United States, free use of these accounts, and their ability to simulate real American accounts. If you need to download American applications and games, it is worth trying to use a free American Apple ID account.

  • This article is written by Published on August 1, 2023 13:54:51
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