Complete ID account password of Apple Meifu (valid for personal testing)

In today's digital era, people use the Internet more and more frequently. Apple Meifu ID is a digital account provided by Apple to meet user needs. This account can be used to purchase Apple's products and services, such as iTunes Store, iCloud service and App Store. However, some people will use some shared accounts for convenience. Let's share them with you.


Apple Meifu ID Account Password Collection

first group

Meiqu Apple ID account:

Password: Dd112211

Group II

Meiqu Apple ID account:

Password: Dd112211

Group 3

Meiqu Apple ID account:

Password: Dd112211

Exclusive ID purchase


Tips: Multiple users of the shared account are prone to "locking" or "not activating" (this is a helpless situation). If you need to use frequently or purchase a paid app, please purchase an exclusive Apple ID.

Using Tutorials

The specific steps are as follows:

First, we must have an iPhone, open the App Store on the desktop, and then click the avatar in the upper right corner;

Next, we copy and paste the shared ID and password to the account, and then click Login;

Finally, we are faced with the pop-up window, and then choose other options - do not upgrade. Remember not to click "Continue" to bind the phone, which may lead to the risk of locking the phone!


Pay attention to account security

Set strong password

Setting a strong password is the first step to protect the account security, because the password is the first line of defense for the account. Users need to select sufficient length and complexity. Generally, passwords should contain at least 8 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, etc. It is better not to include personal information, such as birthday, name and other information that is easy to guess.

Enable two-step verification

Enabling the two-step verification function can provide a higher security guarantee for the account, because you need to enter an additional verification code when logging in to the account. The user can enable the two-step verification function in the settings and select the way to receive the verification code, such as SMS, phone or using a third-party verifier. After enabling the two-step verification function, if the account is stolen, the user can receive the verification code in time to prevent hacker attacks.

Change password regularly

Changing the password regularly can improve the security of the account, because even if the password is disclosed, hackers can only access the account for a period of time. Users can change the password regularly in the settings, such as every three months or every six months. When changing the password, the user needs to select a new strong password and record it in a safe place.

The shared account also has certain security risks. To avoid these problems, we should abide by laws and regulations and not use other people's accounts and passwords. If you want to download apps and games in the United States, or purchase iTunes gift cards in the United States, you can do so through legal channels. Or directly purchase a finished product account,

  • This article is written by Published on July 31, 2023 16:26:36
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