[Operating system] 2019 Ghost Windows XP system download pure version

 Watson Blog April 12, 2019 23:14:15 computer software one four hundred and ninety-three Reading mode

[Operating system] 2019 Ghost Windows XP system download pure version

Now I still use Windows XP, which is basically a master computer. The blogger's book has been used for almost ten years, and I can only make use of it.

In October 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, the Windows operating system. Windows XP is the longest serving computer operating system in human history so far, and it has been difficult to meet the needs of modern users for touch, mobility and applications. On October 18, 2013, Microsoft and Intel donated the old Windows XP computers to the National Museum of China as collections.

 [Operating system] 2019 Ghost Windows XP system download pure version


1) [2019 The Most Perfect WIN_XP Software Optional Pure Version V2]


File: XP_2019V2.GHO

Size: 2102683690 bytes

Revision time: Monday, April 8, 2019, 14:29:21

MD5: 1F143C9DAF6DC5A88A29D6929401B3AE

SHA1: 24ED59A895EFF9D2D52739697AC62E323E7D0798

CRC32: CF6D4E98


This edition is dedicated to those machines struggling or about to die.

I hope you can make your love come back to life!!!


2) [Download address of 2019 latest system collection]


Baidu Cloud: https://pan.baidu.com/s/167TwQjI5CXktwrzZjT8d7A Extraction code: maud

X60 disc: https://yunpan.360.cn/surl_ym7g5AEqbxG

XD disk: http://t.cn/EicuXb8


From: https://www.iteye.com/topic/1148523

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on April 12, 2019 23:14:15
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