Google mobile number cannot be used for verification Don't worry! Yiwen teaches you how to solve the problem that Google mobile phone number cannot be verified

Google is one of the most popular search engines and Internet companies in the world, and almost everyone will use Google services. A common requirement of Google services is to verify the user's mobile number. However, sometimes we may encounter some problems when verifying mobile phone numbers, such as the problem that Google mobile phone numbers cannot be verified. What should we do now?


Google account registration

1. When you register an account on the official computer website to verify your mobile phone number, it displays, "This phone number cannot be used for verification".


2. First, click to enter the mobile email app, and click to add a Gmail account. (Different phone models have different interfaces).


3. There is no need to fill in the email address or phone number in the box. Click the "Create Account" link below the account login.


4. The Create Account Information page will appear. Fill in the corresponding information on the Create Account page. By default, China+86 has been selected as the mobile phone number, and then click Continue directly. After that, the mobile phone will receive a verification message. Enter the verification information to successfully create a Google account.


Exclusive Google


If you have friends who have long used Google account, it is suggested that you can directly purchase an exclusive Google account, register manually, one person, one account, sell and delete backups, and do not repeat sales!

Causes of the problem

There are many reasons why Google cannot verify the mobile phone number, and the most common reason may be:

1. The mobile phone number is incorrectly filled in or does not match the account information.

2. The mobile phone number has been bound by another Google account.

3. The mobile phone number belongs to an abnormal operator, which leads to the failure of normal verification.

The mobile phone number is filled in incorrectly or does not match the account information

Before verifying the mobile phone number, we need to ensure that the mobile phone number is filled in correctly. If the mobile number is filled in incorrectly, we need to correct the mobile number and re verify it. If the mobile phone number does not match the account information, we need to update the account information or change the mobile phone number. In this case, we recommend to update the mobile phone number and account information synchronously to ensure data consistency.

The mobile number has been bound by other Google accounts

If our mobile phone number has been bound by other Google accounts, we need to unbind other accounts to bind our mobile phone number to our own Google account. We can unbind other accounts through the following steps:

1. Go to the Google account settings page.

2. Find the "Security" tab and click "Phone".

3. If you see a bound mobile number, click the "Delete" button.

The operator of the mobile phone number is abnormal

If none of the above methods works, we need to contact the operator to solve the problem. We can call the customer service number of the operator to explain the problem and ask for help. The operator may ask us to provide some identity information to ensure that we are the legal holder of the mobile phone number. Once the verification is passed, we can try to verify the phone number again.


The Google mobile number cannot be verified for many reasons. However, we can solve this problem by checking whether the mobile phone number is filled in correctly, unbinding other accounts, and contacting the operator. Practice has proved that these methods are very practical and can help us quickly solve the problem that Google mobile phone numbers cannot be verified. I hope this article can help you!

  • This article is written by Published on July 25, 2023 16:25:12
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