What should I do if I always need to verify my Apple ID login? Apple ID Verification Solution

Apple ID is an important service provided by Apple, which allows users to use Apple devices and various Apple services. When using Apple devices and services, users need to use their own Apple ID to log in. However, when you log in to Apple ID, you sometimes encounter authentication problems, which will affect the user experience. This article will introduce some common methods to solve the problem of Apple ID verification.


What to do when Apple ID login always needs verification

Clear browser cache and cookies

If you encounter problems logging in to Apple ID with your browser, it may be caused by browser caching and cookie storage. At this point, the user can try to clear the browser cache and cookies, and then try to login again for authentication. The method of clearing browser cache and cookies varies from browser to browser. Users can find relevant options in browser settings.

Check network connection

The verification process of Apple ID needs to be connected to the Internet. If the user's network connection is unstable or slow, the verification may fail or require repeated verification. Therefore, users should ensure that their network connection is stable and fast enough. If you are using a wireless network, you can try to use a wired network connection.

Try signing in with another device or browser

Sometimes, Apple ID verification problems may be related to the user's device or browser. Users can try to use other devices or browsers to log in to Apple ID to see whether it can be verified successfully. If you can successfully log in to another device or browser, it indicates that the problem may be related to the device or browser that the user originally used.

Exclusive account


As we all know, the use of Apple IDs in mainland China will be subject to many restrictions. At this time, you can buy overseas Apple IDs. It is recommended to directly click the icon to purchase the Apple ID of the finished product, which is exclusive for one person and can be used independently!

Change Apple ID password

If the user still fails to authenticate after several attempts, it may be caused by account security problems. At this point, users can try to change their Apple ID and password, and try to login again for verification. The method of changing Apple ID password can be carried out on Apple's official website or Apple devices.

Update Apple OS

Some users will encounter Apple ID verification problems when using the old Apple operating system. At this time, you can try to update the operating system. The new operating system usually fixes some problems of the old system, including Apple ID verification.

Confirm whether the Apple server is running normally

Sometimes, Apple ID verification problems may be caused by Apple server failures. Users can check whether the Apple server is running normally on Apple's official website. If the server fails, users only need to wait for Apple to solve the problem.

Contact Apple customer service

If users still cannot solve the problem after trying the above methods, or encounter other Apple ID verification problems, they can contact Apple customer service for help. Apple customer service can provide users with professional technical support and suggestions to help users solve problems.


The Apple ID verification problem may be caused by a variety of reasons, but in most cases it can be solved by clearing the browser cache and cookies, checking the network connection, trying to log in with other devices or browsers, changing the Apple ID password, updating the Apple operating system, and confirming whether the Apple server is running normally. If users encounter Apple ID verification problems, they can try the above methods according to their own conditions. If the problem still exists, you can contact Apple customer service for help.

  • This article is written by Published on July 24, 2023 14:18:46
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/16801.html
