How to download Xunlei illegal resources again? How to skip downloading illegal resources of Xunlei

Xunlei is a popular download tool, but it is often accused of having a large number of illegal resources. Illegal resources will not only infringe the copyright, but also threaten the security of users' computers. If you encounter illegal resources when using Thunderbolt download, don't panic. Here are some ways to download again and skip illegal resources download.


Method for downloading Xunlei illegal resources again

Xunlei encountered illegal resources when downloading. The first thing to do is to pause the download and delete it. Then, we can download again through the following steps:

1. Open Thunderbolt and click the setting button in the upper right corner.

2. Select "Settings Center" and click "Download Takeover Settings" on the left.

3. Check "Take over all browsers".

4. Check all download types.

After this setting, Xunlei will automatically take over all downloads, including illegal resources. When downloading again, just copy the download link of the illegal resources in Thunderbolt, click the "New Task" button, and paste the link into the "Download Address" column to download again.

In addition, if you find the download speed is slow when you re download, you can try to change the source of the download link. Sometimes, the download speed varies with the source of resources.

How to skip downloading illegal resources of Xunlei

If you don't want to download illegal resources, you can avoid it by the following methods:

1. In the "Download Settings" of Thunderbolt Settings Center, find the "Automatic Download" option, and uncheck the two options "Automatically download tasks in the seed file when downloading the seed file" and "Automatically add tasks when downloading the seed file". After this setting, Xunlei will not automatically download the seed file that may contain illegal resources.

2. After installing the Thunderbolt plug-in in the browser, you can right-click the download link and select "Use Thunderbolt to download", or you can manually copy the link to Thunderbolt to download. However, it should be noted that some websites will encrypt the download link, which requires special download tools to download.

Through the above two methods, you can avoid downloading illegal resources and protect copyright and computer security.

During the download process, it is inevitable to encounter illegal resources, but we can protect our computer security by re downloading or skipping the download. When using Thunderbolt to download, we should pay attention to selecting the download content, and update Thunderbolt software in time to ensure that our download process is safe and reliable.

  • This article is written by Published on July 21, 2023 11:34:42
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