This Google number can't be used to verify what to do (the latest Google registration problems and solutions)

Google is one of the largest search engines in the world, and also provides many online services, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and so on. However, recently, many users are encountering a problem: unable to register or verify with Google number. How did this problem arise? How to solve it? This article will give you answers one by one.


Causes of Google account registration problems

Google requires users to provide mobile phone numbers for account registration or verification, which is to ensure the security of user accounts. However, due to some reasons, Google's services may not recognize some mobile phone numbers, resulting in failure to register or verify. At present, there are the following situations:

The mobile number format is incorrect. Google only accepts mobile numbers in international format, such as+86 13800138000.

The mobile number has been registered. If your mobile phone number has been registered with another Google account, you cannot use it again for registration or verification.

Google Services does not support mobile numbers in this region. At present, Google supports mobile phone numbers in most countries and regions in the world, but mobile phone numbers in some regions are still unrecognized.

Solution to Google account registration problem

1. Check whether the mobile phone number format is correct

If your phone number format is incorrect, you can modify it by adding an international area code and removing spaces. You can try the following methods to modify:

Add the international area code in front of the number. For example, the international area code of China is+86. If your mobile phone number is 13800138000, you can add+86 to the front to change it to+86 13800138000.

Remove spaces or other special characters from the number. For example, if your mobile phone number is 138 0013 8000 or 138-0013-8000, you can remove the space or - and change it to 13800138000.

2. Change the mobile phone number

If your mobile phone number has been registered by another Google account, or Google service does not support mobile phone numbers in this region, it is recommended that you change your mobile phone number for registration or verification. You can try the following methods to replace:

If you already have another mobile number, you can use it to register or verify.

If you don't have another phone number, you can purchase a new phone number for registration or verification. You can purchase mobile phone numbers from local mobile operators or third-party platforms.

3. Try other verification methods

In addition to using mobile phone numbers for verification, Google also provides other verification methods, such as using alternate email addresses or security issues for verification. You can try these methods for registration or verification. The following are several commonly used verification methods:

Use an alternate email address. On the registration or verification page, you can choose to use an alternate email address for verification. If you do not have an alternate email address, you can create a new email address first.

Use safety issues. On the registration or verification page, you can choose to use security questions for verification. Google will ask you to set several security issues, such as your birthplace, your favorite food, and so on. When validating, you need to answer these questions.

4. Contact Google customer service

If none of the above methods can solve your problem, it is recommended that you contact Google customer service for consultation and solution. Here are some ways to contact Google customer service:

Submit questions on Google's official website. On Google's official website, you can submit your questions and leave your contact information. Google customer service will contact you and provide help at the first time.

Contact Google customer service on social media. You can leave a message on Google's social media and ask your questions. Google customer service will reply to you and provide help at the first time.

Ask questions on Google forums. On Google Forum, you can ask your questions and discuss them with other users. Google customer service will also provide help on the forum.

In short, it is a common problem that Google ID cannot be used for registration or verification. If you encounter this problem, you can try to solve it according to the above methods. If the problem cannot be solved, it is recommended that you contact Google customer service for consultation and solution.

Related recommendations:

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