Meifu ID shares a valid account password [high-quality best unlimited number]

Sharing an Apple ID account has become a common way for many people to download apps or games with their Meifu ID. However, it is not easy to find a valid account. In this article, we will provide some valid ID sharing account passwords of the beauty service, as well as precautions when using these accounts.


Meifu ID share valid account password

account number: Password: Zxcv123123

account number: Password: Ag112211

account number: Password: Aw223322

Exclusive ID purchase


Multiple users of the shared account are prone to "locking" or "not activating" (this is a helpless situation). If you need to use the account frequently or purchase a paid app, please purchase an exclusive Apple ID.

How to share an account with the beauty service ID

When sharing an account with a beauty service ID, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. Shared Apple ID accounts can only be logged in to the APP Store. Remember not to log in to Apple iCloud, which may lead to problems such as machine lock;

2. When logging in to the shared account, try to copy and paste the account password to avoid locking the account due to multiple entries;

3. Please do not change the password, security and information of the shared Apple ID account;

4. The shared Apple ID account can only log in to the App Store. Do not recharge in the shared account, or you will be responsible for the consequences;

5. After using up the shared Apple ID account, be sure to exit in time to avoid affecting others' use;

6. If the above Apple ID locks, don't worry, wait for the technicians to maintain and update before using;

Register Apple ID

1) Enter the official website of Apple ID , click to create your Apple ID

1) The name can be filled in freely, not necessarily the real name. The region must transform mainland China into the United States. Just fill in the date of birth. Email (portonmail or gmail is recommended), mobile phone number (mainland)


2) Then select the default SMS. We enter the graphic verification code below, and then click the blue button to continue


3) Then you will receive two verification codes, one for email and one for SMS. After both are verified, our Apple ID in Meiqu is successfully registered.

Set personal information of Apple ID in Meiqu

1) Click to open personal information, find the country or region, click to open it, and then click to change the country or region. Let's make a change.


2) Keep the United States unchanged, and the payment method remains unchanged (if there is no setting in this place, it will affect the subsequent purchase of gift cards)

3) Fill in the information in the billing address.


Province/City: fill in any of the five tax-free states in the United States (such as Oregon)

City: You can search online (if you don't want to search online, you can find a website of address random generator)

Street: It can be searched online (if you don't want to search online, you can find a website of address random generator)

Zip code: You can search online (if you don't want to search online, you can find a website of address random generator)

Building number, unit number, room number can be left blank.

4) Check the copy billing address (the information in the billing address is pasted into the shipping address)


5) After copying the billing address, click the blue button to update and complete the setting of personal information.


6) Log out of the domestic account from the app store, and then log in to our newly registered US account (the first time you log in to this US account, you need to activate it, and you can follow the steps to verify it). Then you can download the APP of Meiqu.

In a word, it is not easy to find a valid sharing account for the beauty service ID. However, as long as we follow the precautions we provide, we can avoid a lot of trouble. If you want to obtain a valid beauty service ID sharing account, you can obtain it through some reliable channels. It is recommended that you buy an exclusive account, which will be more secure. I hope this article will help you.

Related articles: How to register Apple ID in the United States?

Apple US id recharge avoids purchase restrictions

Apple ID purchase website (new high-quality account for sale)

  • This article is written by Published on August 10, 2023 14:28:25
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
