What are Google's permanent free server portals? Google permanent free application steps

In today's digital era, cloud computing has become an important part of information technology. With the development of cloud computing, many enterprises and individuals can enjoy the convenience brought by cloud computing. One of the most popular cloud computing service providers is Google Cloud Platform (GCP). GCP can provide users with powerful cloud computing capabilities, but some users may worry about the price of cloud computing services. Fortunately, Google Collaboration is a free cloud computing service that can provide users with cloud computing capabilities without paying any fees.


Google Colaboratory

Google Collaboration is a cloud based Jupyter laptop environment and a free cloud computing service launched by Google. It can be used for free on the Internet, and users can easily create and share Jupyter notebooks. Users can use Coloratory for Python programming, and can access Google's GPU and TPU hardware accelerators for faster computing.

One advantage of Colorado is that users do not need to install and configure the Python environment themselves, because Colorado has already pre installed Python and many popular Python packages. Users can import their own data sets, models, etc. in the Collaboration, and use Google's cloud computing resources for training and forecasting. Colorado also supports Markdown and LaTeX syntax, allowing users to add explanatory text, code comments, and so on in their notebooks.

Individual and exclusive Google account sharing

If you want a Google account, you can buy the account sold on this platform. All accounts are sold at one time. One person has one account. You can rest assured that the account password is absolutely secure. If you are not sure, you can also change the password after purchase.


Google's permanent free server portal

In addition to Google Collaboration, the Google Cloud Platform also provides a permanent free server portal. This free server portal allows users to create some virtual machine instances on the Google Cloud Platform without paying any fees. These virtual machine instances can be used to run Web servers, databases, applications, and so on.

Users only need to register an account on the Google Cloud Platform to use this permanent free server portal for free. Users can create a virtual machine instance on the Google Cloud Platform, and select the operating system, specifications, storage, etc. of the virtual machine. Users can also remotely connect to virtual machine instances through SSH protocol for configuration and management.

It should be noted that although Google's permanent free server portal is free, users need to pay attention to the use of virtual machine instances. If the computing resources and storage resources of the virtual machine instance used by the user exceed the free quota, then the user needs to pay a certain fee.

Google Cloud Platform also provides some other free services, such as Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, and so on. These services can enable users to store and process data, build and run applications, conduct continuous integration and deployment in the cloud. Users can choose their own free services according to their needs, and can upgrade to the payment plan at any time to obtain more functions and resources.

Apply for Google Cloud Account for free

1. Log in to the official website of Google Cloud and register an account: https://cloud.google.com/ [Scientific online tools may be needed], click the official website home page to register for free trial:


2. We fill in the data of countries and regions, and we can see the description of the $300 grant valid for 12 months in the right column. Select the real location of the country and region, where I select China, check the consent clause, click Agree and continue:


3. Our next step is to fill in personal information and credit card information, and truthfully fill in personal information and credit card information.


4. Try to select individuals with account types. After filling in personal information and credit card information, directly click the Start Free Trial option. Then you spend $1 in your credit card account. This is Google's purpose to confirm that you are not a robot used to verify your account. You will receive the cancellation of $1 in your account within 5 minutes, and $1 will be returned to your account. The whole process is completely free. In addition, unless you actively confirm to upgrade to a paid account, the $300 grant will not be directly deducted from your credit card account after consumption.


5. After the payment is completed, we log in to the Google Cloud console, click the navigation menu button in the upper left corner, and select Settlement to view the amount of gifts:


6. When we enter the settlement page, we can see the relevant quota information. If there are no other questions, we will see a gift of 300 yuan and a validity period of 365 days:


Google's permanent free server portal provides users with a free cloud computing platform, allowing users to easily create and manage virtual machine instances in the cloud. Although this free server portal has usage restrictions, it is a very good choice for some small projects and individual users. If users need larger computing resources and more advanced functions, they can consider upgrading to the payment plan of Google Cloud Platform.

In a word, Google Cloud Platform provides a lot of cloud computing services and tools, enabling users to easily build, run and manage applications in the cloud. For those who are looking for a free cloud computing platform to study, experiment or small projects, the permanent free server portal and other free services of Google Cloud Platform are a very good choice.

Related articles: How to register a Google account? (The most detailed tutorial in history)

  • This article is written by Published on July 3, 2023 16:08:38
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