How to modify the real name authentication of Miha Tour account

Miha account is an account that players must register when playing the game, and real name authentication is to ensure the security and credibility of the account, so that players can conduct various transactions and activities in the game. However, sometimes we may need to modify the real name authentication information, for example, due to changes in personal data or incorrect filling of authentication information. So, how to modify the real name authentication information of the Miha Tour account? Here is a detailed introduction.

Step 1: Enter the account management center of Miha Tour

First, we need to access the account management center on the official website of Miha Tours. Open browser, enter“ ”, enter the official website. In the upper right corner of the page, click the "Login" button, enter the Miha Tour account and password, and then log in to the account management center.


Step 2: Find the real name authentication information


After entering the account management center, click "Personal Information" in the left menu bar, then find the "Real Name Authentication" option in the center of the page, and click to enter.

Step 3: Modify the real name authentication information


On the real name authentication page, we can see the real name authentication information that has been filled in, including the real name, ID card number, ID photo, etc. If you need to modify the real name authentication information, you can click the "Modify Authentication Information" button to modify it. In the modification page, you need to fill in the new real name authentication information, upload the ID card photo, and finally click the "Submit" button to save the modification.

Step 4: Wait for approval

After the real name authentication information is modified, it needs to be approved before it can take effect. During the audit, we can view the audit progress on the real name authentication page. If the audit is passed, the real name authentication information will be updated to the latest information.

matters needing attention

When modifying the real name authentication information, you need to fill in the true and valid information, otherwise the authentication may fail.

The uploaded ID card photo must be clearly visible, otherwise it may cause authentication failure.

The audit may take a long time, so we need to wait patiently.

Through the above steps, we can easily modify the real name authentication information of the Miha Tour account. I believe that you will become more familiar and handy in practice, so as to better protect your account security.

  • This article is written by Published on June 30, 2023 15:43:54
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