How to go to WordPress to read articles, and the most comprehensive use of WordPress

If you want to create your own blog or website, WordPress is a good choice. As one of the most popular content management systems, WordPress provides many functions, allowing you to easily create and manage your website content.


In this article, we will show you how to access WordPress and view articles, as well as how to use other functions of WordPress. We hope that this information can help you better use WordPress to achieve your website goals.

The most comprehensive use of wordpress

Step 1: Log in to WordPress

To enter WordPress and start viewing articles, you first need to log in to WordPress. Enter the URL of the WordPress website in your browser, and then enter your user name and password. If you don't have a WordPress account, you need to register an account before you can log in.

If you forget your user name or password, you can click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page to reset your password. If you have other login problems, you can check the official WordPress documentation or contact the WordPress support team for help.

Step 2: View the article


After successfully logging in to WordPress, you will see the WordPress control panel. In the control panel, you can see the left navigation bar. Find the "Article" option in the navigation bar. Click the "Article" option, and you will see a list of all published articles. You can find articles by title and publication date. If you want to edit an article, just hover over the article title and click the Edit button.

In the article list, you can see the title, publishing date, author, classification and other information of each article. If you want to view the details of an article, you can click the article title to open the article page. In the article page, you can see the article content, comments and other information.

Step 3: Create a new article


If you want to create a new article, just click the "Add New Article" option in the left navigation bar. This will take you to the WordPress article editor. In the article editor, you can add article titles and contents, select article categories and tags, and add featured images. When you are finished, click the Publish button to publish your article.

In the article editor, you can use various text editing and formatting tools to create and edit articles. You can also add pictures, videos, audio and other multimedia content to the article. If you want to save the article as a draft, you can click the Save Draft button to save the article and exit the editor.

Step 4: Use other functions of WordPress

In addition to viewing and creating articles, WordPress has many other functions. For example, you can create pages, add plug-ins and topics, manage comments, and so on. You can find these options in the WordPress control panel.

If you want to create a website, you may need to create multiple pages to display different content. In WordPress, you can use the Page option to create pages. In the page editor, you can add various contents, such as text, pictures, tables, etc.

If you want to extend the functions of WordPress, you can use plug-ins and themes. Plug in is a small program that can be added to WordPress to enhance the function of WordPress. Themes are programs that can change the look and layout of WordPress. You can find various plug-ins and themes available in the WordPress plug-ins and themes library.

In addition to these functions, WordPress also provides many other functions, such as managing comments, setting navigation menus, adding gadgets, and so on. If you want to know more about the functions and usage of WordPress, you can check the official WordPress documentation or ask other WordPress users for help.

It's easy to enter WordPress and view articles. Just log in to WordPress, click the "Articles" option, and then select the articles you want to view. If you want to create a new article, just click the "Add New Article" option. In addition to these basic functions, WordPress has many other functions to help you create and manage your own website.

We hope this article can help you better use WordPress. If you have other questions or questions, please check the official WordPress documentation or ask other WordPress users for help. Wish you a perfect website on WordPress!

  • This article is written by Published on June 29, 2023 15:05:44
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