How much is midjournal per month? How to use midjournal in China

Midjournal is a very practical image generation tool, designed to help users quickly and efficiently produce high-quality pictures. Midjournal provides three different monthly payment plans, which are 10/30/60 dollars, so that users can choose the most suitable plan according to the needs of individuals or companies. The prices and characteristics of the three plans are described below.


How much is midjournal per month

$10 plan

Midjournal's $10 plan is the most basic plan, which can generate 200 graphs per month. However, there is no fast mode, and it is impossible to generate graphs without queuing. Compared with the $30 and $60 plans, this plan is more suitable for individual users or small teams, and is only used to generate a small number of images. If you only need to generate some images occasionally, or only need to generate some simple images, then the $10 plan may be enough.

$30 plan

Midjournal's $30 plan can generate unlimited images every month, and has 15 hours of fast mode image generation time, which can avoid queuing to generate images. Compared with the $10 plan, this plan is more suitable for users who often need to generate images, such as designers or social media marketers. With the popularity of social media and the arrival of the digital era, the importance of images is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, the $30 plan is one of the most popular plans of Midjournal. If you need to generate various types of images frequently, the $30 plan may be the best one for you.

$60 plan

Midjournal's $60 plan is the highest level plan. In addition to all the features of the $30 plan, it also has a privacy model, which makes your pictures and keywords invisible to others. This plan is suitable for companies and copyright owners. In addition, the image generation time in fast mode has also increased to 30 hours, which is very helpful for users who need to generate a large number of images in a short time, such as advertising companies or design companies. If you need to generate a large number of high-quality images, then the $60 plan may be the best for you.

Therefore, Midjournal provides three different plans to meet the needs of different users. Users can choose the most suitable plan according to the needs of individuals or companies. If you need to generate images frequently, a $30 or $60 plan may be more appropriate. If only a few images need to be generated, the $10 plan is sufficient.

How to use midjournal

1. Connect to the network and enter the official Midjournal website:


2. Click "Join the Beta" and complete the DISCARD account registration according to the prompt.


3. After successful registration, click "Continue to use Discard" to enter the home page of Midjournal platform.


4. Create a new painting: select "New Artwork" on the left side of the page, and then select the size and direction of the canvas you want. You can also select a background color or upload your own background picture.

5. Select the tools you want to use in the left menu bar, such as Pen, Brush, and Eraser, and set corresponding parameters, such as brush size, color, and transparency. Midjournal provides a wealth of painting tools, and users can choose appropriate tools to create according to their own needs.

6. Start drawing: use the mouse or drawing board to draw the shape or line you want. Midjournal supports two painting methods: mouse and drawing board. Users can choose an appropriate way to create according to their preferences. You can use different colors, thickness and transparency to achieve more creativity.

7. Select the desired effect in the menu bar on the right, such as Gradient, Twist and Extrude, and adjust the corresponding parameters. These effects will be applied to the shapes or lines you have drawn to produce more interesting and artistic effects. Midjournal provides a variety of effects and filters, and users can choose appropriate effects to create according to their needs.

8. If you need to add text or upload a picture as the background, you can find the corresponding option in the top menu bar. You can choose different fonts, sizes and colors to create text of various styles, and you can also upload your own pictures as backgrounds. Midjournal supports multiple file formats, and users can upload different files for creation according to their needs.

9. After completion, you can export your work to PNG or SVG format and save it on the local hard disk. You can also share directly with others or publish on social media platforms. Midjournal provides a variety of export options. Users can choose the appropriate format for export according to their needs.

In general, the monthly payment price of Midjournal is reasonable, and the price is relatively low compared with other similar tools. Midjournal is characterized by its ability to generate high-quality images at a fast speed, saving time and labor costs. If you need to generate images frequently, Midjournal is a tool worth trying.

  • This article is written by Published on June 28, 2023 14:30:03
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