Mango tv members can get 2023 for free, and Mango TV video members can get 2023 for free

Mango TV is a very popular Chinese video website, which contains a large number of TV dramas, variety shows, movies and other content. For users who like to watch Mango TV, becoming a video member of Mango TV allows them to watch more content for free, but the membership fee also makes many people flinch. However, there are some ways for users to receive Mango TV video members for free.


Mango tv members can get 2023 free of charge

1. First open the "Mango TV" on the desktop


2. Then click "My" in the lower right corner of the main interface.

3. Find the vip member option and open it.


4. At this time, you can see the instant activation.


5. After selecting, find the option of using redemption code and open it.


6. Finally, enter the redemption code of the points and click to redeem now.


How to get Mango TV video for free

Mango TV official website activities

Mango TV official website often holds some activities, such as registering to send members. Users can regularly follow the official website of Mango TV, participate in these activities, and have the opportunity to receive Mango TV video members for free. Some activities require users to complete certain tasks, such as inviting friends to register, sharing activity links, etc. After completing the tasks, users can get free members.

Mango TV cooperation activities

Mango TV also often cooperates with other companies and brands to launch some free activities to receive Mango TV video members. For example, when a credit card is launched in cooperation with a bank, users can receive mango TV video members for free after successfully handling the card. In addition, Mango TV will also cooperate with some brands, such as Coca Cola, Nestle, etc. Users can get free members after purchasing the specified products.

Free for the third party

In addition to the official website and cooperation activities of Mango TV, there are also some third-party websites that provide the service of receiving Mango TV video members for free. Users only need to search for "Mango TV Free Member" in the search engine to find these websites. However, it should be noted that some websites that receive members for free may have risks, and users need to choose carefully. It is recommended to choose a well-known third-party website, or view the comments and experience of other users to avoid losses.

Other methods

In addition to the above methods, there are other ways to obtain free mango TV video members. For example, some mango TV video member accounts have been disabled for various reasons, but they still exist. You can find these accounts and use them through some ways. However, it should be noted that this method may have legal risks and moral problems and is not recommended.

In general, there are many ways to get Mango TV video members for free. Users can get free members through Mango TV official website activities, Mango TV cooperation activities, third-party websites or other methods. However, no matter which method is used, users need to pay attention to safety to avoid being cheated or losing property. It is recommended to select reliable channels, or conduct full investigation and evaluation before using third-party websites. I hope this article will be helpful to users who like to watch Mango TV.

  • This article is written by Published on June 27, 2023 14:59:55
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