Tomato novel 365 day vip exchange code tutorial, Tomato novel member activation code exchange skills

Tomato novel is a popular online novel reading application, which provides many wonderful novels and exclusive original content. For users who like reading, becoming a Tomato member is a very good choice. Tomato members have many exclusive privileges, such as no advertising, free reading, VIP chapters, etc. But how to get the Tomato Member Exchange Code? In this article, we will share the skills of Tomato Fiction member activation code exchange to help users easily obtain the member exchange code.


How to obtain tomato member exchange code

Official activity of tomato novel

Tomato novels often hold some official activities on holidays or important days to provide users with exchange codes. Users can obtain redemption codes by participating in activities or completing tasks. These activities and tasks are usually published on the official WeChat official account or official website of Tomato Fiction, and users can follow the official channels to get the latest news. In addition, Tomato Fiction will also publish activity information on the social media platform, and users can participate in the activity through likes, comments and other ways to win exchange codes.

The official activity of Tomato Fiction is one of the main ways to get the exchange code. For example, Tomato Fiction will hold a sign in activity on the first day of each month. Users can sign in every day to earn points. When the accumulated points reach a certain amount, they can exchange Tomato membership exchange codes. In addition, Tomato Fiction will hold various activities from time to time, such as robbing red envelopes, answering questions, etc. Users can obtain exchange codes after participating. Through these activities, users can get the exchange code at no cost, which is very suitable for users who want to enjoy tomato membership privileges.

Participate in tomato novel cooperation activities

Tomato novels often cooperate with other brands or companies to provide users with exchange codes and gifts. Users can follow the official WeChat official account of Tomato Fiction or other social media platforms to learn about the cooperation information of Tomato Fiction. Once a cooperative activity is found, users can participate in the activity according to the activity requirements, and complete the task to obtain the exchange code and gift.

The cooperative activity of Tomato Novels is another way to obtain the exchange code. For example, Tomato Fiction once cooperated with a brand to obtain a Tomato member exchange code after purchasing a specified commodity. In addition, Tomato Fiction will also hold various cooperation activities, such as brand cooperation with film, TV series, music and other fields. Users can obtain exchange codes and gifts through participating in activities. By participating in cooperation activities, users can obtain exchange codes while using products of a certain brand, which is very practical.

Invite friends

Tomato Fiction provides users with the function of inviting friends. Users can invite friends to download Tomato Fiction and register an account to obtain an exchange code. Specifically, users can view * * * on the "My Invitation" page of the personal center and share * * * with friends. When friends download tomato novels through * * * and successfully register, the inviter can get the exchange code. In addition, Tomato Fiction will also hold a regular activity to invite friends, and users can get more exchange codes by participating in the activity.

Inviting friends is another way to get a redemption code. For example, Tomato Fiction once held an activity to invite friends. A user can get an exchange code if he successfully invited a friend, and a user can get an exchange code if he successfully invited a friend. In addition, users can also get a certain number of points by inviting friends to download tomato novels and register an account. Points can be exchanged for tomato member exchange codes. By inviting friends, users can not only recommend interesting novels to friends, but also obtain exchange codes and points, which is very practical.

Buy Tomato Member

If users want to get the Tomato member exchange code more quickly, they can consider buying Tomato members directly. Tomato Fiction provides a variety of purchase methods, and users can choose their own purchase methods. After purchasing tomato members, users can directly view their member exchange code in the personal center.

Buying a tomato member is another way to get a redemption code. Users can purchase tomato members through the Tomato Fiction app or the official website, and then they can get the member exchange code. The purchase methods of Tomato members include monthly members, quarterly members, semi annual members, annual members, etc. Users can choose their own purchase methods. Members who buy tomatoes can enjoy many privileges, such as free advertising, free reading, VIP chapters, etc., which is very practical.

Skills of using tomato member exchange code

After obtaining the Tomato Member Exchange Code, users need to pay attention to some usage skills to avoid waste. First, the user needs to use the exchange code within the validity period, otherwise the exchange code will become invalid. Secondly, users need to carefully check the use conditions and restrictions of the exchange code, so as not to use the exchange code because it does not meet the conditions. Finally, the user needs to pay attention to the exchange order of the exchange code to avoid the exchange failure due to improper operation.

Users should pay attention to these tips when using the Tomato Member Redemption Code. The validity period of Tomato member exchange code is usually a certain time. Users need to use the exchange code within the validity period, or the exchange code will become invalid. In addition, different exchange codes may have different use conditions and restrictions. Users need to carefully read the instructions for the use of exchange codes to avoid being unable to use them because they do not meet the conditions. Finally, the user needs to pay attention to the exchange order of the exchange code to avoid the exchange failure due to improper operation.

Tomato member exchange code process

Open Personal Center

Open the home page of Tomato Fiction App and click "My" at the bottom.


Open Member Center

Click "Member Center Entrance" at the top.


Open the exchange interface

Click "Redeem" in the upper right corner of the page.


Redeem Member

Enter the activation code and click "Redeem" to redeem members.


Through the above methods, users can easily obtain tomato member exchange codes. Users should note that different methods have different conditions and restrictions for obtaining exchange codes. You need to read the activity rules or purchase instructions carefully. At the same time, users need to pay attention to the use of exchange codes to avoid waste. I hope this article can help users to enjoy the high-quality content of tomato novels better.

  • This article is written by Published on December 5, 2023 17:40:16
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