[Free download of wordpress theme] Wordpress We Media CMS theme: XSinfo theme

 Watson Blog February 2, 2019 00:15:03 Wordpress Theme one seven hundred and twenty-three one Reading mode

[Free download of wordpress theme] Wordpress We Media CMS theme: XSinfo theme

XSinfo is a lightweight and elegant wordpress information theme. As its name suggests, it focuses on news release. The appearance is elegant and light, noble but not vulgar, and it is muddy but not stained.

 [Free download of wordpress theme] Wordpress We Media CMS theme: XSinfo theme


Thematic characteristics

It is written with HTML5+CSS3, adaptive to multiple devices, including mobile phones, tablets, etc

Integrated SEO optimization

Powerful gadgets, including media attention, popular rankings, latest articles, friendship links, etc

Support one click sharing to social networking sites

Background user-defined description keywords, add statistics code and copyright description

Free Wordpress theme download

Theme demonstration address: http://info.lizhi110.com/

Theme download address: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d4qSM3WCnsLVE9x34Q6KzQ Extraction code: qcr9


It is easy to get yellow and stay fast. It is a stone from another mountain. If it fails, it will not be repaired.

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 Watson Blog
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    •  Emenick
      Emenick three

      thank you
