Haozhan Discovery 19: A high-quality news website - surging news

Haozhan Discovery 19: surging news

Website name: surging news - focusing on current politics and thoughts

Website address: www.thepaper.cn

 Haozhan Discovery 19: A high-quality news website - surging news


1、 Introduction:

Surging News - Focusing on Current Politics and Thoughts - ThePaper.cn


2、 Website introduction:

Pengpai is a political and ideological Internet platform rooted in Shanghai, China. With the most active original news and the most calm thought analysis as two wings, it is a combination of Internet technology innovation and news value inheritance. It is committed to the practice of question and answer news and news tracking function. Pengpai, surging news, surging news network, news and ideas.


3、 Reason for recommendation

Now, it is rare to find a news website with a little depth and quality. Some so-called domestic news platforms are full of fraudulent advertisements despite their poor quality, which is disgusting! Interested friends can have a look.

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  • This article is written by Published on January 29, 2019 00:15:43
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