How to uninstall the game in Steam, and how to delete the game in Steam

If you are a Steam gamer, you may have tried many games, but some games may not suit your taste. At this time, you may want to delete it from your computer. However, since Steam games are installed differently from traditional software, their uninstallation methods are also different. In this article, we will introduce you the method of deleting Steam games.


Delete game from Steam client

The first method is to delete the game in the Steam client. Please follow the steps below:

Open Steam client and log in to your account

Select the Library option in the left panel

Find the game you want to uninstall, right click the game icon

Select the Delete Local Content option

Select "Delete" in the pop-up window and wait for the game to be uninstalled

Steam account purchase


All Steam accounts sold on this platform are one person, one account, independent use, safe and stable, and will not be sold repeatedly

Delete a game from the Control Panel

The second method is to delete the game through the control panel. Please follow the steps below:

Click the Start menu, enter "Control Panel" in the search box, and then open it

Find the "Program" option in the control panel, and then click "Uninstall Program"

Find the game you want to uninstall, right click the game icon

Select the "Uninstall" option and wait for the game to be uninstalled

Please note that this method only deletes the game itself, but the configuration files and other data related to the game may still remain on your PC.

Delete a game from the File Manager

The third method is to delete the game through the file manager. Please follow the steps below:

Open the file manager and find the directory where Steam game is installed

Find the installation directory of the game you want to uninstall

Delete the installation directory of the game

If you need to delete other game related data, please search for related files in the file manager and delete them

Please note that this method requires you to know the installation directory of the game, and you need to carefully delete other game related data to avoid affecting other applications.

In general, these three methods are effective ways to uninstall Steam games. You can choose one method according to your own needs. I hope this article is helpful to you!

  • This article is written by Published on June 15, 2023 15:11:42
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