Complete list of domestic free cms systems, inventory of domestic free cms systems

With the continuous development of Internet technology, website construction has become an important way for enterprises and individuals to show themselves and promote products and services. As the basis of website construction, CMS (Content Management System) is also attracting more and more attention. In China, the development of CMS system is also very rapid. More and more enterprises and individuals begin to use CMS system to build their own websites. This article will check the domestic free CMS system for your reference.


1. WordPress

WordPress is a very popular open source CMS system with friendly user interface, easy to use, and rich plug-in and template resources. WordPress supports multiple languages and can meet the needs of different users. In addition, because of its wide application and strong community support, WordPress has also become one of the targets of hacker attacks. Therefore, you need to pay attention to security issues when using WordPress.

2. Drupal

Drupal is a highly scalable CMS system, suitable for websites of all sizes. Drupal's modular design allows users to customize according to their own needs, and also has rich theme and plug-in resources. Due to its high technical threshold and learning curve, using Drupal requires a certain technical foundation.

3. Joomla

Joomla is a powerful CMS system, which is suitable for all types of websites. Joomla's user interface is clear, easy to use, and has many practical extension functions. Joomla has good multilingual support and can easily create multilingual websites.

4. Discuz

Discuz is a very popular forum CMS system in China, with rich functions and scalability. Discuz's user interface is simple and easy to use, and has a large number of plug-ins and template resources. Discuz also supports multiple languages, which can meet the needs of different users.


PHPCMS is a mature domestic CMS system with rich functions and scalability. The user interface of PHPCMS is simple and easy to use, and it also has a large number of plug-ins and template resources. PHPCMS supports multiple languages and can easily create multilingual websites.

6. MetInfo

MetInfo is a professional enterprise website construction CMS system, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. The user interface of MetInfo is simple and easy to use, and it also has many practical extension functions. MetInfo supports multi languages and multi sites, which can meet the different needs of enterprises for building websites.

7. DedeCMS

DedeCMS is a mature CMS system in China, which is suitable for various types of websites. The user interface of DedeCMS is clear and easy to use, and it also has a large number of plug-in and template resources. DedeCMS supports multi languages and multi sites, which can meet the needs of different users.

8. Typecho

Typecho is a lightweight open source CMS system, suitable for personal blogs and small websites. Typecho's user interface is simple and easy to use, and it also has many practical extension functions. Typecho supports multiple languages and can easily create multilingual blogs.

In short, there are many free CMS systems in China, and different systems are suitable for different users and website needs. When selecting a CMS system, you need to select it according to your own needs and technical level. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the security and stability of the system. I hope this article can help you choose the appropriate CMS system and provide help for your website construction.

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