A beginner's introduction to a complete set of common commands for Linux, a collection of common commands for nanny level Linux

Linux is a kind of Unix operating system, widely used in server and embedded systems. Its command line interface is a feature of its powerful functions. This article will introduce some common Linux commands.


Linux Common Commands

File and directory operations

In Linux, files and directories are very important resources. The following are some common file and directory operation commands:

Ls: Lists the files and subdirectories of the current directory.

Cd: Switch the working directory.

Mkdir: create a new directory.

Rm: Deletes a file or directory.

Cp: Copy files or directories.

Mv: move or rename a file or directory.

Chmod: permission to modify files or directories.

System information query

Understanding the status and configuration of the system is an important step in managing the system. The following are some commonly used system information query commands:

Top: Display the process and resource usage of the system.

Ps: Lists the running processes.

Uname: displays the name and version number of the system.

Df: Displays the disk usage of the file system.

Free: displays the memory usage.

Network and communication

Linux is a network based operating system with powerful network and communication functions. The following are some common network and communication commands:

Ping: Test the network connection.

Ifconfig: Displays and configures the network interface.

Ssh: Connect to the remote host through a secure remote connection protocol.

Scp: Use the SSH protocol to copy files between the local host and the remote host.

Curl: Get or send data through URL.

The above are some common Linux commands that can help us complete various tasks on Linux systems. Of course, Linux commands are very rich. Here are just some common commands. Mastering these commands skillfully can improve our work efficiency and enable us to better manage the system.

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