How to uninstall and reinstall MySQL? It will teach you how to quickly uninstall and reinstall MySQL

MySQL is an open source relational database management system, which is widely used in the development of various Web applications. However, sometimes we need to uninstall MySQL and reinstall it. This article will introduce you how to quickly learn how to uninstall and reinstall MySQL installer.

1、 Stop the MySQL service of the installed window

1) Right click the desktop "This computer" (My EEG) ->click Management

2) Click "Services and Applications" ->Services ->MySQL; Right click MySQL and click Stop Service.


2、 Uninstall

1) Find Control Panel ->Programs ->Programs and Features and uninstall MySQL programs


3、 Delete all files in the MySQL installation directory

1. Delete the MySQL directory in the hidden directory of C disk ProgramData

1) Open Disk C to view ->display ->hidden items


2) Locate the ProgramData directory

Delete MySQL directory

2. Delete the installation directory of MySQL (according to whether you are installing on disk C or disk D or other customized locations)

4、 Windows+R runs the "regedit" file, opens and deletes the MySQL registry


Locate and delete the registry:


The above steps are completed normally. To check whether the deletion is complete, follow the first step to check whether there is a MySQL service. If there is no description of the deletion, if there is still a MySQL service,

1) Click the Windows icon to search the command prompt and run as an administrator

2) Enter sc delete mysql to delete the recently installed MySQL service (hint: use this command with caution at ordinary times)


Uninstalling and reinstalling MySQL is a very simple task. Just follow the above steps. Remember to back up all databases before uninstalling MySQL to avoid data loss. After reinstallation, you can create new databases and users by logging into MySQL.

  • This article is written by Published on May 24, 2023 15:36:44
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