Recommended computer video editing software that is easy to use

If you are a beginner who wants to use computers to make videos, you may find it very difficult to choose an appropriate editing software. This article will introduce easy to learn computer editing software to help you choose the software that suits you and start your video production journey.


Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free clip software that comes with the Windows operating system. Its interface is simple and intuitive, easy to use, suitable for beginners. It provides basic video editing functions, such as cutting, separating audio, adding music, adding text, etc. If you just need to simply clip videos, Windows Movie Maker is a good choice.


IMovie is a free video editing software launched by Apple, which can only be used on macOS and iOS. IMovie can help you easily clip videos, add audio, adjust the volume of audio and video, and so on. It also provides a variety of preset video effects and transition effects to make your video more vivid and interesting.

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a paid video editing software for Windows and macOS operating systems. It provides a variety of advanced video editing functions, such as multi video tracks, multi audio tracks, color correction, special effects, etc. If you need a powerful video editing software that you are willing to pay for, Adobe Premiere Pro is a good choice.

Cut and reflect

This software has a mobile terminal, a web terminal and a computer terminal. The use scenarios are relatively flexible, and the operation difficulty is relatively low. It is suitable for novices. Personally, I think it is mainly focused on the mobile terminal, while the web terminal and the computer terminal have relatively less functions than the mobile terminal.


Shotcut is a free, open source video editing software for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. It provides a variety of video editing functions, such as cutting, separating audio, adding subtitles, adding music, adjusting video speed, and so on. If you need a free and powerful video editing software, Shotcut is a good choice.

If you just need to simply clip videos, Windows Movie Maker or iMovie is a good choice. If you need a free and powerful video editing software, Shotcut or OpenShot is a good choice.

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