Why is chatGPT banned in China? How powerful is chatGPT

ChatGPT is a chat robot based on the open source GPT2 model, which can generate natural language responses and communicate with humans. However, although ChatGPT is very popular abroad, it is banned in China. This article will discuss why ChatGPT is banned in China.


Why ChatGPT is banned in China

AI supervision

The Chinese government has been strengthening the supervision of artificial intelligence. This is because the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology may cause potential risks to society. ChatGPT is believed to be used for generating false news, online fraud and improper content, which the Chinese government does not want to see. Therefore, the ban on ChatGPT is part of the Chinese government's efforts to strengthen AI regulation.

Politically sensitive issues

ChatGPT can generate natural language responses, which means it can answer any question, including some politically sensitive questions. In China, discussions on politically sensitive issues are restricted. Therefore, ChatGPT is believed to be used for illegal political activities, which the Chinese government does not want to see. In order to avoid this situation, ChatGPT was banned.

Avoid social problems

ChatGPT can imitate the human way of dialogue, which enables it to carry out automated interaction on social media. However, this may also lead to some social problems, such as online violence, malicious marketing and the spread of inappropriate content. Therefore, in order to avoid these social problems, the Chinese government decided to ban ChatGPT.

How powerful is chatGPT

Chat function

ChatGPT's main function is to chat. It can talk with users and answer their questions. For example, users can ask ChatGPT questions about weather, transportation, catering, etc. ChatGPT will generate natural answers according to the pre training model. ChatGPT can also chat with users to make them feel like communicating with an ordinary person. In addition, ChatGPT also supports multiple rounds of dialogue and can communicate with users continuously.

Q&A function

In addition to the chat function, ChatGPT can also be used for Q&A. Users can ask questions to ChatGPT, which will generate natural answers according to the pre training model. The question and answer function of ChatGPT is very powerful. It can answer various questions, such as questions about history, science, culture, etc. In addition, ChatGPT can also perform multiple answer inference to generate multiple possible answers for users to choose.

Chinese performance

Although ChatGPT was originally designed for English, its performance in Chinese is also excellent. ChatGPT's pre training model in Chinese has been trained a lot and can generate natural Chinese text. In terms of chat and Q&A, ChatGPT also performs very well in Chinese and can answer various Chinese questions. In addition, ChatGPT can also conduct dialogues and Q&A in both Chinese and English.

The ban on ChatGPT is part of the Chinese government's efforts to strengthen AI regulation. The government believes that ChatGPT may be used for generating false news, online fraud and improper content, or for illegal political activities. In addition, ChatGPT may lead to some social problems, such as online violence, malicious marketing and the spread of inappropriate content. Therefore, in order to avoid these problems, the Chinese government decided to ban ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a powerful natural language processing tool, which can be used for chat and Q&A. It uses deep learning technology and pre training model to generate natural text. He also performs very well in Chinese and can answer all kinds of Chinese questions. The emergence of ChatGPT provides a convenient, fast and efficient natural language processing tool for people.

  • This article is written by Published on May 19, 2023 11:41:24
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