What do you have in the APP of foreign servers for free? Let you check the APP of foreign servers for free

There are many advantages in using foreign servers, such as building websites and applications: if you need to show your websites or applications abroad, it is a good choice to use foreign servers. Foreign servers can provide faster website loading speed, so that your users can get a better experience. There are many benefits. So let's introduce some apps that can pay for foreign servers for free.

You can visit foreign servers for free



Vultr is a company that provides global cloud servers. They provide a free trial period and can use their cloud servers for testing. After using the probation period, you can choose to renew or deactivate it. The servers provided by Vultr are distributed in multiple geographical locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, etc., which is very convenient to use.


DigitalOcean is a well-known cloud server provider. They provide new users with a free trial period of 60 days. After the probation period ends, you can choose to renew or deactivate. The server provided by DigitalOcean has stable performance and is very convenient to use.

Google Cloud Platform


Google Cloud Platform provides free trial quota and can use its cloud server for testing. After the probation period ends, you can choose to renew or deactivate. The server performance of Google Cloud Platform is very powerful, and it also provides a variety of API interfaces for developers to carry out secondary development.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a leading global cloud computing service provider. They provide free trial quota and can use their cloud servers for testing. After the probation period ends, you can choose to renew or deactivate. The server provided by AWS is very powerful and has a variety of functions and services, which can meet the needs of different users.

The above four APPs all provide a free trial period for you to test. If you need to use it for a long time, you can choose to renew or disable it according to your actual needs. At the same time, these APPs provide detailed documents and tutorials for users to use and learn. I hope this article can help you!

  • This article is written by Published on May 21, 2023 14:36:02
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