Which browser on the mobile phone supports flash? Count the mobile browser that supports flash

In this era of Internet development, almost everyone can not do without the use of browsers. If you don't understand something or open some websites, you will also use the browser. We will also meet some users who need to use flash during the use process, so let's talk about the browsers that support flash on mobile phones.


Browser supporting mobile flash

1. QQ Browser

In fact, QQ Browser is also a browser that we mainly use, and we also use it in many daily life. Some people are also familiar with these things. Basically, there are many users of QQ browser, and it is also very convenient for news consultation.

2. Uc browser

Uc browser is basically the best mobile browser to use, and then you can see many aspects of the content, and basically people who have used it can not do without it.

3. Firefox

It is also one of the most popular browsers, and it is basically rich in many consulting content. In terms of area ratio, you can get what you want to see through this browser. It is also good to see some web pages by clicking them.

4. Baidu

Baidu is also the largest browser in China. Then it is also a platform that you can consult if you don't understand what you are familiar with, and it also collects a lot of content, which is basically indispensable.

5. Sogou browser

At the beginning, I only used Sogou Browser to read novels. I found its video function by chance, and then I knew that Sogou Browser also supports flash plug-ins. However, the pages of Sogou are not as clean as those of other browsers. This is a small shortcoming of Sogou, but those who like this software will certainly tolerate it.

These browsers can support opening flash, so if you have any problems with mobile phone flash, you can use these browsers to see.

  • This article is written by Published on May 13, 2023 16:17:35
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