How to make tabs on Axure web pages, tutorial on making tabs on Axure web pages

As designers, they must use some design software, just like people who cook must have kitchen utensils to weigh their hands. So Axure is also a very important tool for designers. So let's talk about how to design labels if you use Axure.

Axure Web Page Making Tab Tutorial

1. First, we will show you the three labels, which are divided into 1, 2 and 3


2. Then drag a rectangle into Label 1


3. Then it can be turned into a dynamic panel


4. Then double click the panel and change the status to tags 1, 2 and 3


5. Then we entered tags 2 and 3, and designed our own state as something important


6. Can I exit the dynamic panel, and then set the dynamic panel


7. Set an interactive event. Take tag 1 as an example. When you click, a dynamic panel is displayed. The status is tag 1, and the rectangle is selected. Similarly, tag 2 and tag 3 are displayed. When you click, a dynamic panel is displayed. The status is the corresponding status, and the corresponding rectangle is selected.


8. Click Preview, the selection effect of the tab is displayed, but when it is selected, other tabs do not change to unchecked status, so you need to use the option group function


9. Select Label 1, Label 2 and Label 3, right-click to select an option group, and then create a new option group. After naming, click OK


These are the tutorials about the label making of axure web pages. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to the introduction of this article.

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