ChatGPT Three minute Registration Guide, ChatGPT Registration Complete Guide

Is it difficult to register ChatGPT? In fact, it is very easy for people to do it. It is basically solved. Everyone knows that ChatGPT's domestic functions are limited, so it is necessary to access the Internet scientifically. ChatGPT is very powerful and has been applied to various industries. It can be seen that the future development will be better and better. Today, I will introduce the registration process in detail.

ChatGPT Three minute Registration Guide

1. Preparation of foreign network environment

First, the network environment should be switched to foreign countries.

2. Register Chat GPT account and complete verification

1) Open Link to account registration


2) Register through email and complete email verification


Then the mobile phone number is verified. The domestic mobile phone number cannot be used. At present, it has not been opened in China

3. Complete mobile phone number verification through the code receiving platform

1. Open the transcoding platform and click on the upper right corner to register an account


2. After successful registration, you need to recharge. Click the recharge button in the upper right corner.


We can decide how much to recharge according to the price of the openai number on the right


Here I can recharge $1 and pay with Alipay


Then we found openai


Click the icon of shopping cart

Update: Now it is recommended to choose the American number instead of India, which is too cheap and easy to roll over


You can get a foreign mobile phone number, valid for 20 minutes


Click Send Verification Code so that you can receive the verification code on the receiving platform (sometimes it is a little slow and you need to wait patiently), fill in the verification code and complete the registration.

Several methods of using chatgpt

1. Access to the original website: registration requires receiving the registration code via mobile phone, and each use requires other methods. The advantage is that there is no limit on the number of times, and the answers have context.

2. Development tool installation plug-in: support idea, vscode, webstorm, pycharm and other development tools to solve the search problem for developers.

3. Install browser plug-in: Chatgpt plug-in is available in edge, chrome and other browser stores, and can be called at any time through shortcut keys after installation. The disadvantage is that the number of times is limited.

4. Build the application system: access it by calling the interface provided by openai. The advantage is that the interface can be defined freely and pictures can be generated; The disadvantage is the need for servers and familiarity with the code language.

As an artificial intelligence program, ChatGPT is mainly based on machine learning and natural language processing technology. It can process a large amount of data and knowledge, and can quickly obtain information and extract patterns from it.

  • This article is written by Published on April 23, 2023 14:29:24
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