What to do if Netease Cloud Music is restricted? How to remove the restrictions on Netease Cloud Music

Many people like to listen to music bars. Generally, they also use QQ music or NetEase Cloud music software. But not many music can be listened to. Sometimes, they can't listen to music in foreign countries. There are restrictions. So let's talk about how to deal with NetEase Cloud music if it is restricted.

How to remove Netease Cloud music permission

Use overseas broadcast software

If we want to listen to music overseas, 1 we can use some overseas streaming software in time. This method can be used for those Apple has its own iTunes, but some songs are not available, and then it is expensive, so it is not suitable for use.

Buy members

This is the most common method. Because Netease Cloud recharge can be used in some countries, it is relatively convenient, and there are many restrictions. However, depending on the country, some countries still cannot use Netease Cloud recharge, or there are restrictions, so there is no way.

Using a hung proxy server

This method is also very simple and relatively successful. Then you can modify your IP address according to your IP address, and then disguise your IP address. So it is OK to disguise your IP address as a domestic one, so there is nothing wrong with this service proxy.

Netease Cloud Music official website login portal

Click the blue link on the right to enter the webpage version. [Click to enter]

1. After entering, click the login button in the upper right corner.


2. You can choose to scan the code with your mobile phone or use other login methods.


3. After logging in with the above method, you can listen to music.


These are the methods that can help you to access restrictions. If you need something, you can refer to the methods brought to you by the editor.

  • This article is written by Published on April 18, 2023 17:39:43
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