Yahoo email number and password sharing, Yahoo email registration image text tutorial

Now cross-border e-commerce is in full swing, so if we want to communicate effectively with foreign people in China, and then learn about foreign situations in a timely manner, it is necessary to use foreign mailboxes, which is the most convenient for everyone to communicate. Of course, many people say that I do not have an account of Yahoo Mail, So let's share Yahoo's email account with you.

Yahoo email number and password sharing —-RKJagQxRN6A7ioas9GWbu— —-1SciURc2vS9jMBzLv—-qellovsbiiiazuww

Account format: account - password - authorization code (the separator in the middle - do not enter it as the account password)


Note that since these accounts are shared, they will naturally get stuck. After you use them, you must remember to exit to avoid others being unable to use them.

Register Tutorial

1. First go to the browser, open the official website of Yahoo Mail, and then click to create an account.


2. We can enter the page, then fill in our personal information, then create an account password, and then log in with this account password.


3. At this time, we need to bind the mobile phone number, so we can't use our mainland mobile phone number at this time, which will be recognized, so we need to use your Hong Kong mobile phone number at this time.


4. After receiving the verification code, fill it in, and then you can go to the next step.

5. There is also the interpersonal verification, and then the verification can be your Yahoo mailbox.

Yahoo is also one of the most popular mailboxes, and many people abroad also use this mailbox to communicate. If you have any unclear points, you can refer to this article.

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