Ins free account password Daquan Android, ins account latest registration tutorial

Instagram is a software for sharing pictures. It is very useful. The pictures on the platform are excellent. Instagram provides simple picture color and photo beautification functions. Users can use it easily, and there are a large number of pictures for everyone to choose. Of course, if you want to use these pictures, you must first have an account to log in. Today, we will provide you with several free accounts.


Ins free account password Daquan Android

Ins account 1

Account No.: 100079855736667 - Password: Xhmob70yOjY5KM0th8Df

Ins account 2

Account No.: 100079943664462 -- Password: SYIdAWnDtBHzzyIQ8oKC (-- Don't enter this, it's a separator)

Instagram registration process

The registration of ins is not difficult. First, you need to visit the official website of Instagram, which is commonly known as the webpage version. When opened, it is shown as follows:


If you are using it for the first time, you can click the "Register" link to enter the registration interface:


Fill in the information as required. I use Gmail email to register. Just click the "circle" symbol at the back of the account, and click Register to go to the next step


Next, Ins will ask you to set your birthday information. It is recommended to fill in the age of more than 18 and the date that is easy to remember, so that you can browse all the pictures on Ins - because some pictures are not displayed to teenagers.


The last step is very simple. Enter the verification code to complete the registration. Don't worry if you don't find the verification code in your inbox. It is recommended to open social classification or check all emails, because sometimes Ins emails may be automatically classified as social emails or spam.


In the ins account, you can share the details and pictures of your life. You can have everything you want and decorate it as you want.

  • This article is written by Published on April 13, 2023 16:11:52
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