Common problems and solutions of how to switch the ID account of the iPhone in the App store

There are many people using Apple mobile phones, including young people. Because they pursue fashion and keep up with the trend, people will buy new Apple phones as soon as they come out. For novices, many functions of the iPhone are not easy to use, so they have various questions, such as: "How do I switch ID accounts in the App store?" If you are having this problem, I suggest you follow the editor.

How to switch the ID account in the App store

App store怎么切换id账号 苹果手机常见的问题及解决方法

First, users need to unlock their Apple phones, and then slide the screen to find the [Settings] icon. Secondly, click the icon to find the option of [iTunes store and APP store] from the pop-up page. Step 3: Click this option to see the Apple ID account information that the user is using. Click the account option with your finger and a new dialog box will pop up. Step 4: click the dialog box and then click Exit Login to exit the current ID account. Finally, click [Login] and enter the ID account and password you need to log in.

Common problems and solutions of Apple mobile phones

Problem 1: The phone can't be answered

When users use Apple mobile phones, they must have encountered the situation that the phone cannot be answered. For example, the phone can hear a ringing tone, but the phone screen is black. Even if the screen is bright, it is unable to answer the call normally.

Solution: Press and hold the power on button and the volume reduction button at the same time, hold for ten seconds, and the phone can be restarted. The problem can also be solved. As for the missed calls, you can take the initiative to call back by checking the call records.

Problem 2: The app store cannot be opened

The app store in the mobile phone is very useful. All the software users need should be downloaded below. If the user clicks the software and finds that it cannot be opened, or even if he logs in to the page, there is nothing on the page.

Solution: In the face of this situation, you need to restart your phone to try. Then find the "Settings" of the mobile phone, click to find the DNS option, and then enter After entering, exit the software. Then re open the app store software.

Problem 3: Unable to charge

This kind of situation mostly occurs in the cold winter. Affected by the cold temperature, the battery cannot be charged. If it is winter, you can try to put your mobile phone in a warm place for charging, such as turning on the air conditioner. If it's not the temperature, it's the battery itself. You need to find a regular repair shop to repair it.

Exclusive ID purchase

App store怎么切换id账号 苹果手机常见的问题及解决方法

If you need to register an ID account with Apple, all the accounts provided here are exclusive accounts, one for each person, and will never be sold again!

[Tips] The above information is only collected through the Internet, and is only for your reference. More and more people use Apple phones in their lives. In order to avoid problems, daily executives must handle them with care to avoid damaging their phones.

  • This article is written by Published on April 11, 2023 15:06:10
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