How does Apple snapchat set Chinese? Can Snapchat be registered and used in China

Snapchat is a social application that supports multiple languages. Users can modify the language here. You can set any language you want. Snapchat also supports Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages. Recently, many friends have asked Apple Snapchat how to set Chinese? Let's take a look.


How to set Chinese for Apple snapchat

1. First, open the phone settings.

2. Then find "snapchat".

3. Then click Language.

4. Finally, select "Simplified Chinese" to successfully set.

Can Snapchat be registered and used in China

1. Open "snapchat", click "Register", enter Huawei's name and surname, and then click "Register and Accept".

2. Change your birthday, click "Continue", enter a user name, and friends can find themselves through their user name.

3. Therefore, the user name cannot be repeated. Wait for approval, click "Continue", then set the account password, click "Continue" Just register.

Snapchat is very easy to set. You can set it as long as you find the language you need. If you don't know how to set it, please refer to the above steps.

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