How can I unseal a disabled discord account? Share the method of unsealing a discord account

There are many users of discord, and people often use this software to exchange their ideas. Although it was set up at the beginning to facilitate the communication of game players, it is also very convenient for many enterprises to use and communicate later. So let's talk about what to do if the discord account is blocked.


Why the discord account was blocked

1. Published NSFW content

This NSFW image is a colored image. If you publish these images, your account will be blocked directly. This is what we need to pay attention to.

2. Cell phone number is leaked

Sometimes we are used to using a password to register an account, so it gives many applications a risk of information disclosure. So if it is disclosed at this time, your account will be blocked later.

3. Unstable network environment

Sometimes the network environment also determines the use of our account, so if our account is abnormal, it will lead to the exception of our account and trigger the risk control of the platform, so many accounts will be blocked.

Blocking method for discord account access

1. Technical support on official website


2. Click sign in

3. Click submit a request

4. How can we help you? Drop down menu to select Help&Support

5. Question type: select account deletion from the drop-down menu

6. Title: Tell the truth about your situation

7. Content: describe the situation of being sealed, hope to unblock it, and then submit your email or register your mobile phone


8. Submit.

9. The mailbox receives the mail immediately, which is the automatic reply of the system and must be transferred to manual.


10. Reply to this email and repeat the question, and then post it to your email or register your mobile phone. After reply, it will be transferred to manual work, and will be unsealed within 2 days.

Basically, if you follow some rules, your account will not be in danger of being banned. So if you need to do so, you can refer to the methods provided in this article.

  • This article is written by Published on April 4, 2023 15:22:01
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