How long will it take to ban and review Tinder account? How to register tinder in China

 lihan April 3, 2023 16:24:32 Mobile applications comment one hundred and twenty-one Reading mode

Tinder is a software for making friends abroad. If you want to use Tinder social software in China, you need to register. The operation of this software function is relatively simple. Recommend high-quality objects according to your address, and you will also encounter accounts being audited. Do you know how long it will take for Tinder account review?


How long will it take to review the tinder account

Tinder account prompts that if your account is under review, it is because your account violates the rules or is reported by others. The platform will conduct an audit according to the violated rules within 18 hours, and judge according to the rules. If you do not violate the rules, don't worry. The platform can be used normally after the audit.

How to register tinder in China

Tinder cannot be used in the mainland. There are three registration methods to use it in the mainland. One is to register through the domestic agent platform, the other is to purchase an account directly, and the third is to register on behalf of others. In addition, you need to have an Internet IP address to log in and use it. Tinder is a mobile phone dating app in foreign countries. It is used to recommend four objects within a certain distance every day based on the user's geographical location. It gives a score according to the number of users' common friends, common interests and networks on Facebook. The recommended object with the highest score will be shown first.


1. Download Tinder App for iOS

2. Click "Create Account"

3. Enter and verify your phone number

4. Enter your email address

5. Connect your account – connect your Apple or Facebook account for easier login experience*

6. Set your profile

7. Allow Tinder to use all required permissions

8. You can enter normally.


1. Download Tinder App for Android, apk download:

2. Select login mode*

3. Enter and verify your phone number

4. Set your profile

5. Allow Tinder to use all required permissions

You can start!

Tinder can be used in China. I don't know how to use it normally. Please refer to the above method. The steps of downloading from different mobile phones are different.

  • This article is written by Published on April 3, 2023 16:24:32
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