Coinbase Chinese user registration verification, Coinbase domestic registration process

Coinbase is an American digital exchange, which is convenient and fast to use. It is known that foreign software needs certain skills to be used in China. Coinbase is the world's largest virtual currency digital asset exchange service platform website. Many people trade on it. It can also be used in China. You can register an account and authenticate with your real name.

Coinbase Chinese user registration verification

Coinbase is an American software, but it can also be used in China. It can be registered on the official website and verified by real name. It also needs to prepare a dollar bank card to facilitate transactions.

Coinbase domestic registration process

To register a Coinbase account, the first step is to register a Coinbase account.


Click Sign up here in the above figure to go to the following page, and fill in the information according to the page requirements to register the Coinbase account.


Enter the phone number for information authentication after registration


In this step, you need to connect your bank account. After registration, add your bank account. Before using the account, you need to complete some additional verification steps. Once the validation steps are complete, you can start using.

If you don't know how to use coinbase in China, you can follow the above steps. If there is a transaction, it is very practical to choose this platform.

  • This article is written by Published on April 3, 2023 16:10:18
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