How to register the snapchat camera software? Analysis of the image and text registration steps of snapchat camera software

Snapchat is a software developed by two students from Stanford. This is an application that burns after reading. Users can take photos, record videos, etc., and then send them to their friends. However, the time for pictures is limited. After they are published to friends, they will immediately destroy them. And this application can reduce some privacy exposure, so let's talk about how to register snapchat.

What is snapchat

The main function of Snapchat is that all photos have a lifetime of 1 to 10 seconds. After users take photos and send them to friends, these photos will be automatically destroyed on time according to the preset time. In addition, if the receiver attempts to take a screenshot during this period, the user will also be notified. This is a good protection for many private photos, so many people will use it.

Snapchat registration steps

1. First, we open Snapchat, and then we can see a registration screen


2. The next step is to fill in your own name. Our Chinese name is OK


3. After you write your name, you will be asked to fill in your birthday. Just fill in according to your needs. Then there is the user name. Sometimes the user name will be repeated, so you can just change it.


4. After filling in the user name, there will be a password setting. We will go to the password setting page to fill in it. It is usually eight characters. After setting, it will be bound and collected. We can select the Chinese mobile phone number to bind it. After receiving verification, it can be bound.

5. Click Continue to complete Snapchat registration. After registration, you can use all Snapchat content normally


Well, the above is the whole process of Snapchat registration. If you are interested, you can refer to our article.

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