How can I download ChatGPT in Chinese on my iPhone (download ChatGPT tutorial on my iPhone)

 lihan March 30, 2023 15:08:13 operating system comment one hundred and one one Reading mode

How to download ChatGPT has always been a concern of people. ChatGPT is a popular chat robot. It can not only chat but also help you do many things. Its functionality is very powerful. Now some domestic software has involved the use of ChatGPT functions. Today, I will show you how to download the Chinese version of ChatGPT from Apple mobile phones. Please take a look at the specific process.

How to download ChatGPT Chinese version from Apple mobile phone

You need to search for "GPT Chat" on Apple's mobile phone and find the application to download and install;

1. Search in the APP Store: ChatGPT


2. After downloading and opening the APP, it can be divided into chat and content completion:


3. The application developer has built in apikey, which can be used directly


4. If you are prompted to fill in apikey in the return, add apikey in the top right corner of the home page.


ChatGPT set language flow

Language settings for ChatGPT. The setting steps are as follows:

1. Click Phone Settings.

2. Select the "Language and Input" function.

3. Select "Manage existing languages".

4. Select "Chinese" in the list.

5. Set "Chinese" as the default language.

6. Click Apply All Changes and Confirm.

At present, many people have experienced chatGPT, and its functions are really good. It is more intelligent. I believe that it will develop better and better in the future and will be applied in all aspects.

  • This article is written by Published on March 30, 2023 15:08:13
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