How to set the recommended content of pinterest, and how to use pinterest normally

Pinterest is also one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. This is mainly because there are many direct exchanges of pictures. You can see a lot of the latest picture consultation here, so many people in these industries must download and use the website, which is very helpful to everyone. So here are some solutions to many problems brought to you.


How can pinterest work normally

First of all, because of regional restrictions, people cannot easily use this website. Generally speaking, if we want to use this website in China, we need to change some ways to access the Internet. It is necessary to disguise the online environment. Then the website is displayed in the form of waterfall, so our users do not need to turn the page, and the latest one is displayed on the top, so we can constantly see new pictures, which is very convenient.

If cross-border e-commerce personnel want to use it, you can:

First, set up business accounts to make enterprise accounts more reliable than individual accounts.

Second, choose carefully the pictures of pinterest homepage, and use eye-catching pictures to attract customers' eyes.

To set the recommended content of Pinterest, follow the steps below

1. Log in to your Pinterest account.


2. Click the "Settings" icon in the upper right corner.


3. On the "Settings" page, click "Account Settings".

4. On the "Account Settings" page, find the "Personalization" tab.

5. In the "Personalization" tab, you can select the theme, content type and brand you are interested in.

6. You can also follow other users according to your interests to get more recommendations on relevant content.

The above is an introduction to how to set the recommended content of Pinterest. If you are not clear about anything, you can refer to the steps introduced to you by the editor.

  • This article is written by Published on December 19, 2023 09:33:15
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