How is chatGPT set to Chinese? ChatGPT Latest Steps for Setting Chinese

 lihan September 4, 2023 10:42:59 operating system comment one hundred and seventy-three two Reading mode

It is believed that many people pay close attention to Chatgpt, which is very powerful. After users log in to the software, the default language is English at first. Those who are not very familiar with English can be modified to Chinese, which is very convenient for users to use. Do you know how to set chat GPT to Chinese? Let's take a look at the detailed steps and processes.


How to set chatGPT to Chinese

If you want to switch to Chinese when using ChatGPT, you can set it. If you do not set it, the language will automatically switch.

1. First, enter the input box of the software, and the system will answer questions according to the language;

2. Click Settings on the software page and set English to Chinese;

3. If it is a web version, you can use the translation function to preview the Chinese font mode.

4. Input Chinese commands during the chat process, and then the Chinese subtitle mode will be realized;

ChatGPT Chinese Setting Process

1. Click Phone Settings.

2. Select the "Language and Input" function.

3. Select "Manage existing languages".

4. Select "Chinese" in the list.

5. Set "Chinese" as the default language.

6. Click Apply All Changes and Confirm.

Chat GPT works in a cross language manner. When a user asks it a question, it will search English to answer it, and then translate it into Chinese for the user. So it is very convenient for users. If you want to set it, you can set it yourself.

  • This article is written by Published on September 4, 2023 10:42:59
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