What to do if viber activation fails? How to use viber? How to use viber

Now, with the continuous popularization of the Internet, we can see many possibilities, and our life consultation has become more abundant. Communication has become more interesting and varied. With various communication and chat software, we will introduce a communication software viber to you to see how to use it.

What to do if viber cannot be activated

Generally speaking, if we want to activate viber, we need to verify and accept the activation code through SMS or phone, and then these all need your phone number. If you lose your phone number or have any problems, you need to retrieve it in time. No matter it is not successful, you must first save your phone number and choose it. The other is to understand the status of your own network and your own number to see what the problem is.

How to use viber

mobile phone

1. If you use it on your mobile phone, install Viber on your mobile device. When the Viber program is downloaded, you can click the application and open the installation program. Then import the phone book into Viber or allow the app to access your phone book by receiving and verifying the password.


2. Then there will be a SMS verification code, and you can set this software.


3. Then there will be a contact button to see who is using Viber in the phone address book.

Call with Viber

1. Click on the contact and select the toll free number. If you have never used Viber's free call service, Viber will ask to access your mobile phone. Select the "OK" option to make a call.


2. Select the keyboard, and then manually enter the mobile phone number of a Viber user (the user you want to talk to). Viber cannot call non Viber users. If the mobile phone number you enter is not bound to a Viber account, Viber will prompt you to use the regular phone call method to call users at that number.


Viber software is also currently used by a good number of people, so if you don't know anything, you can refer to some usage methods introduced to you by the editor.

  • This article is written by Published on March 24, 2023 16:22:02
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/14560.html
