Do you need a mobile phone number for gmail email registration? Full Google email registration tutorial guide

Google Email can be said to be very easy to use, and is also very popular with a large number of users. The software that people can't work without is very convenient for sending work or some matters. But many people will encounter many problems when they register their Google Mail account, so let's talk about how to better register Google Mail.

Does Google Email need a mobile number to register

To register Google Mail, you must prepare a mobile phone number, and you must have no mobile phone number registered with Google Mail, or you cannot register successfully. Then it is the scientific setting of Internet access, otherwise it can not be successfully accessed.


Google Mail Registration Complete Tutorial

1. Using a browser, we first search Google's email official website, then we can see Google's email login page, and then we can see the place where the account was created.


2. Then you can see the page, and then you can modify the language and fill in the information. Don't worry too much.


3. After filling in the information, remember our account and password, and all subsequent logins will be used.


4. The next step is to verify your mobile phone number, fill in your mobile phone number, and then click Next to fill in your verification code.


5. If you receive the verification horse on your mobile phone, you can fill in the date of birth. Generally, you can't fill it out randomly. You must be an adult, otherwise it will lead to unsuccessful registration.


6. Then you will see a picture below, that is, click the skip


7. In the last privacy clause, click Confirm, and then you can directly agree to click.


The above is about the Google registration tutorial, so if you don't know, you can refer to this article, hoping to help you.

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