How to register and use discord in China, and how to use discord in China

 weiwei March 21, 2023 16:38:35 Software download comment five hundred and forty-eight Reading mode

When it comes to discord, many players should be able to respond immediately, and there are many users, which can facilitate communication. However, this is also a good software for home office after the epidemic, and it is not limited to games. It can be used in many occasions, so let's talk about how discord can be registered for use.

Domestic use tutorial of discord

DISCORD is naturally a foreign platform, so it cannot be used directly in our country, and there will be some restrictions. So for many people, it is necessary to prepare the Internet tools they learned first, or they cannot access it directly. This network environment can be registered by pretending to be a black number. Generally speaking, there are two ways to register discord: one is to register by invitation link, the other is to register by email/mobile number.

1、 Registration steps by invitation

1. Those who are invited according to our requirements can fill in the link, and then there is an Accept Invite. Click it.


2. Then set your own user name, and you can continue.


3. There will also be a personal computer verification, and then it will be OK.


2、 Register directly on the official website

Generally, I will go to Google for a search, and then register on the official website. Click once and then use the email to register. It is recommended to use utlook email to register. The success rate is relatively high.


Follow the prompts to verify your phone. If the account is blocked immediately after verification, you can change it to Outlook mailbox or change the network environment.


Generally speaking, these steps are the only ones. So if you need them, you can take a look at the steps introduced to you by the editor, which will definitely help the people in need.

  • This article is written by Published on March 21, 2023 16:38:35
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