Linkedin international version registration process, how to solve the problem of limited linkedin account

 lihan October 17, 2023 13:52:34 Mobile applications comment three hundred and thirty-four Reading mode

LinkedIn is a foreign software. Strictly speaking, it can't be used in China. If you want to use it in China, you need to set up the network. When you register, you may encounter various things. So let's take a look at the registration process of LinkedIn International Edition. If you want to register LinkedIn, let's take a look at the process steps.


Linkedin International Registration Process

1. First, scientific Internet access

Open , enter the login page.

2. It is recommended to use the QI industry email

Register with gmail and enter your real name.

Note: If there is an exception, you need to retrieve your account and fill in your real information. Sometimes, the system needs to verify whether or not the robot is registered.

3. Activation succeeded, proceed to the next step

Please fill in the country and region.

Next, fill in the company position and company name.

4. Verify mailbox

Open the mailbox for verification. After the mailbox is passed, you can log in directly.

How to solve the problem of limited linkedin accounts

In China, when Linkedin is used in foreign trade channels, it is usually restricted by the system, especially when new users do not understand the rules. Linkedin limits your account because it believes that your account is unusual and there is a risk of theft or over marketing. In particular, our domestic accounts are easily restricted because they are an overseas platform and use a virtual network environment. At this point, the solution is to verify the identity according to Linkedin's prompts, upload the appropriate identity document, and then wait for the official Linkedin e-you notification. If you can't unseal your account and try the above methods, then we need to learn a lesson and be careful not to let this happen again. Note: According to the English profile in advance, register a Chinese profile and use the ID card with the real name, so the success rate of complaints will be greatly improved.

The above is the registration process of Linkedin International Edition. If you don't know about it, you can refer to the above process. You can log in to the official website to register. If you are restricted, you can upload your own information to retrieve it.

  • This article is written by Published on October 17, 2023 13:52:34
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