ChatGPT API key is available for free. This article will show you how to use ChatGPT

ChatGPT has always been very popular, not only in foreign countries, but also in China. ChatGPT is very powerful, and the most important thing is that it can help people solve some problems. It is very practical, and you can chat with it and ask questions. However, some people do not know how to obtain ChatGPT API keys? Let's take a closer look.

How to obtain the ChatGPT API key

To obtain the API KEY of ChatGPT, you can log in through the official account on the OpenAI platform. First, access Login account.

ChatGPT API key免费获取,一文带你了解ChatGPT用法

After logging in, click "Personal" in the upper right corner, expand the menu, and find "View API keys" to enter the page

ChatGPT API key免费获取,一文带你了解ChatGPT用法

Click the "Create new secret key" button to create an API KEY

Summary of ChatGPT usage:

1. Connect its KEY with the API of the chat tool to use it in the chat tool.

2. Access it through plug-ins in the browser, but let it synchronously provide answers to questions when searching in the browser.

3. Embed it in EXCEL through plug-ins to query function formulas.

4. Use its text answer+silhouette "picture and text" function to generate video by one click.

5. Connect it to the image to generate AI, and let the AI program automatically modify the image by talking to it.

6. It can be connected to big data through browser plug-in, so that it can query the answers after September 2021.

7. It can realize voice interaction function and voice communication with it through browser plug-in.

It is not easy to register the chatgpt account: you can consider purchasing a finished chatgpt account: Click to buy

The above is about the process of free access to ChatGPT API keys. It is very easy to operate. Those who have not used ChatGPT should use it quickly. It is very easy to use and can help you solve many problems.

  • This article is written by Published on September 4, 2023 10:41:18
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