Are wechat and WeChat different? How does wechat change back to China WeChat version

 lihan March 17, 2023 15:50:51 Mobile applications comment two hundred and twenty-one Reading mode

When it comes to Wechat, many people should know that its functions are similar to those of domestic WeChat. WeChat is aimed at Chinese users and WeChat serves overseas users. Foreign users can download WeChat as a social platform, which brings great convenience to people. Do you know the difference between wechat and WeChat? Let's take a closer look.


The difference between wechat and WeChat

1. WeChat has some functions that wechat does not have. The WeChat game center, small video and other functions are not available on the wechat platform. The face recognition program, health code and wechat are not available. Wechat also does not have the function of shaking and recognizing songs.

2. Wechat does not have some functions: Wechat covers the functions on Facebook in many aspects, but Wechat does not have this function in China, which is also the difference between the two.

WeChat and WeChat data are not interconnected; Wechat can be simply understood as the English version of WeChat. There are some differences between the two, but they are not very obvious.

How does wechat change back to China WeChat version

1. Open WeChat, click the information page, select settings,

2. Find a general option in the settings and click Enter.

3. Find multilingual options in the General Options section and click here:

4. Then we can enter and select different languages: if it is English at the beginning:

(1) Open WeChat and click "Me".

(2) Click "Settings" at the bottom.

(3) Click the fifth from the top, General.

(4) Click the fourth, Language.

(5) Simply select Simplified Chinese. The method is very simple.

Wechat and WeChat are not interconnected. There are still differences between the two, but the difference is not very big. They are both popular people who communicate with friends and family on the platform.

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