How to register instagram in China? What kind of email is better for registration? Detailed steps for registering instagram in China

Most people should not be unfamiliar with the platform Instagram, which is also a popular social media platform in foreign countries. A lot of important and small things can be shared through Instagram, which is equivalent to our domestic microblog, and is a social media platform. Now many foreign stars or people from all walks of life will use it, so it is also a good medium to learn about the latest consultation. Let's talk about how to register an instagram.

What email address is used for domestic instagram registration

In fact, the phone number and email can be registered, so it depends on what you choose, but no matter which one is OK. In general, there are more than 163 mailboxes, mainly one user name. It is OK to write the email name correctly. It is very simple. Generally, fill in your email number and then fill in your email type. And not only 163 mailboxes, but also QQ mailboxes are available. It depends on you.

Download and register instagram steps

1. First search for "Instagram" in the "App Store" and install it;


2. Open Instagram, click [Register with mobile phone number or email number] on the page, and select according to your own needs


3. After entering the mailbox, click [Next], where 163 mailbox is recommended;


4. Enter the user name and set the password, and then click Next;


5. It is better not to upload the avatar here, because if it is not registered well, it will be easy for ins to judge it as a fake user, which will affect later use

6. The system automatically assigns an account, which can be modified and reset according to personal preferences. Then continue to click Next;


7. You can see that the user interface can be associated with Facebook and the address book to see your actual needs, and then click [Finish] to register your instagram account.


This is the above steps. If you are not clear about anything, you can refer to the steps introduced to you by the editor. The registration will be completed soon. Is it much easier.

  • This article is written by Published on March 15, 2023 16:24:07
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