Whatsapp domestic number cannot send verification SMS. How does Apple use whatsapp in mainland China

WhatsApp is very popular, very secure, and can also protect users' privacy. Because it has encryption function, and also covers Android devices and Apple phones, it is relatively simple to operate. Many people will encounter this situation when using whatsapp, which cannot send verification messages. Let's take a closer look.


Reason why whatsapp failed to send verification SMS

1. There may be French advertising information.

2. Send many messages in a short time.

3. Reported by most people.

4. It is possible to build many broadcast lists in a period of time.

5. The IP address changes frequently.

6. Add contacts frequently.

7. Log in to a device that has previously logged in to a blocked account.

8. The registered mobile phone number is unstable.

9. Violating the platform rules of WhatsApp.

What if WhatsApp fails to receive the verification code

1. Change the language of the phone you need to log in to WhatsApp to English (Open Settings - Select Language - Modify)

2. The phone card is inserted in another phone

3. Positioning of both mobile phones is off

4. The overseas numbers that have been called before are saved in the phone address book

6. Restart the phone after setting.

7. Make sure the external network environment is normal.

8. It can also be operated after a period of time.

How does Apple use whatsapp on the mainland

1. Search the app store, download and install whatsapp software

2. After installing whatsapp, click to open the APP application, enter the home page, and select [Agree and Continue]

3. Enter your mobile number.

4. Fill in the verification code you received. If you don't receive it, you can also click to resend the message or call.

5. After receiving the SMS verification code, enter the verification code to complete the registration.

6. Select your avatar, name and other basic information in the settings, and use WhatsApp after completing the registration.

If you can't receive SMS verification, let's see if it is caused by the above reasons. Solve the problem according to the problem. It is basically caused by the above conditions. I hope it can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on March 15, 2023 14:06:18
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/14393.html
